Blog Rules

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Okay everyone. Heres the rules to the blog I am dedicating to all of you. You can send a message to anyone you want. It can be your spouse, your kids, your boss or your best friend. The only thing is that any message sent has to be a positive one. I will not accept any negative messages. Also I will not accept bad language or anything sexual. To get your message here please email it to me at I will take a look to make sure it fits on the blog and then post it. Please let me know if you want your name used on the post as well.

Once you are posted make sure you send others to see it. I am also looking for positive stories, poems and pictures that have to do with the positive nature of this blog.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

To A Friend

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Hi, this post is to all my friends, and to one in particular that I hope will see it!
It's always been a tradition in my family at Thankgiving time to consider the things we are greatful for. I suppose this should be something that we all do everyday, but life get in the way sometimes and many other things become habit and routine, that we just don't think about it.

I hope this will have you all thinking of all the blessings that you have been given in this life. Let me tell...Life IS way too short. Once it's gone, it's too late to tell those special people in your life, just how much they mean to you. If you have read my Yuwie Blog, "Endure The Journey", you will know that I know just what I'm talking about here!

I want to take this time not only to tell you Steve, but to tell the world how much you mean to me. I truley would not be here if it hadn't been for you. I thank you, my love for all that you have given to me. I know that I am not easy to live with sometimes, for that, I apologize deeply. I love you with all my heart and I just wanted to be sure you and everybody else in the world knew that!

I am so thankful for you and all of my dear friends. You may never totally understand all of my emotions, I know I'm pretty expressive sometimes! But I want you to understand this...You are my very best friend in the whole world! I am so grateful for you and for the love that you have given.


To my friends; Please always remember to count your blessing!
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

"Endure The Journey"

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